Thursday, February 24, 2011

Her smile....

As he walked down the path, he saw her walking towards him. A smile crept across his face. There she was, his mysterious girl!!! As the sunlight bounced off her face, he remembered what he thought off when he first saw her. An angel on earth! She had an air of mystery about her which attracted him more. There had always been this spark between them which told him that she was curious about him too. Since the first day he had met her, this unspoken bond between them had developed. They avoided each others gaze. But they both knew that they were looking when they throught the other wasn't. As she slowly walked towards him, edging closer every moment, as her face became clearer, he felt himself smile even more. She was constantly glanced down and sideways, but he knew that she had seen him. They had never spoken or even looked eye to eye. But they both knew, there was something underneath the underneath. She seemed so pure.. So innocent. If only she smiled, she would look like an angel. If only she smiled…

She saw him walking towards her from a distance. She knew he was looking at her. She had felt his gaze on him earlier. He looked at her with kindness and passion in his eyes. He always had a smile on his face. Since the first day she saw him, to this moment now where she looked at him through the corner of her eyes, he was smiling. As she tried to avoid his gaze, she kept looking at him though the corner of her eyes, and there he was, smiling. She looked at the ground wondering what made the boy smile every time she saw him. Since the first day, she was always curious about him. But something held her back. She wanted him to make the first move. She knew there was this spark between them. Something she could not understand but it was still something she never felt before. But maybe she wasn’t good enough for him? Maybe he already has a girlfriend? Maybe she was too shy for him? As he came closer, she shifted her gaze on the ground. But just before that she saw him smiling towards her. She remembered the first day she saw him and she remembered his smile. It made her happy, just to see him, just to see his face, just so she can see that smile.

And in that brief moment where she passed him, he saw for the first time, a faint smile on her lips….

Aim for Spiderman and you'll atleast become Peter Parker!

I have been thinking about this for a very long time now. Over the past years, the way this world has turned up; I’m deeply unsatisfied. You people of this world, are you all happy the way the world has become? There are so many things to change, so many mistakes to rectify, so many things that need to be undone. And there is no one who steps up to the mantle to make this much needed change. I wrote an article a while back ‘Does this world really need superheroes’ and I still stand by it. We need superheroes; but can’t we just become one?

We all aspire to become like someone, a role model or an idol which we all have in mind. May it be a family member, a friend or a great achiever; they are all people who have in some way, had a significant impact on our lives. But all these people are in the end, human. They have their limitations and their weaknesses and ultimately we inherit those negative qualities as well. On the other hand, folks like Spiderman, Batman, Peter Petrelli, Christopher Chance or even Guerreo don’t have a weakness. That’s because they’re virtual. But that also makes them the most ideal role models. These people are the most true symbols of goodwill, strength, courage, sacrifice, determination and any other qualities which this world needs. They overcome most stringent challenges, display an unbelievable amount of courage and sacrifice and even risk their own lives for things that could be consider as ‘stranger’ to us. These folks are most commonly known to risk their lives for complete strangers and are always trying to save the world. Why? Not because they can but because they want to. It’s their inherent nature, and in this case their character or script that makes them what they are; Extraordinary!!! Legendary!!!! They’re always there to help or worse comes, save the world!

You would tell me to be more realistic and I am being realistic, just in my own world. If I aim to be like Peter Petrelli; even if I become even 1/10th the goodness that he is; this world will become a much better place. The world needs more Parkers, Petrelli’s, Wayne’s and Chance’s!!! Meeting unrealistic expectations and striving to be someone who only exists in scripts and screens is most likely the only way you can go beyond your own limits. It will be very difficult to become like them (No arguments there); but if you try, you can most likely change yourself to someone so good; A hero in the virtual world while you exist in the real world, where you can actually make a difference.
So I say, Aim to be like Spiderman and you’ll at least become Peter Parker.

P.s: This applies to our daily professional/personal lives as well. You always aim higher so that you’ll try harder and achieve what you originally aimed for. There is always a good chance there that you might achieve the higher harder objective.

I ate a chicken sandwich upside down! Yes it can be done.

Yes, I was able to achieve yet another task. Though tougher than what I expected it to be, it was fun ( I did a trial with a biscuit).

Why do women have boobs?

I came across a question that is not asked enough. Why are human females the only primates with big boobs? At this point, I would ask everyone who is repulsed by boobs (What is wrong with you!!!?), masturbation and human sexuality to redirect themselves to more mundane facebook trivia. I, a fellow boobist will now embark on a journey to explore boobs, something which has never failed to leave a majority our human population, utterly dumbfounded.
Both males and females are equally attracted towards a good boob. Imagine checking out a girl from behind and then she turns around and you go 'Damm!'. A question then asked, why this selective evolution has happened only amongst human females?

TVTroupes says " humans big breasts are a secondary sexual characteristic. There’s at least one hypothesis that humans’ bulked-up boobies are the results of bipedalism putting the usual primate attractor of round buttocks out of the eye-line, so selection pressure encouraged a similar structure higher up. Another hypothesis is that, while in other Great apes the mammary are only swollen when the female is nursing young, in adult human woman the breasts are full year-round, making it harder for the men to ascertain when the woman has her fertile period each month, so they guard her against rivals the whole time."

So it turns out that boobs could be a part of a defense mechanism for them to survive in this harsh harsh world!

Wiki Quotes "Zoologists point out that no female mammal other than the human has breasts of comparable size, relative to the rest of the body, when not lactating and that humans are the only primate that has permanently protuberant breasts. This suggests that the external form of the breasts is connected to factors other than lactation alone.Some zoologists (notably Desmond Morris) believe that the shape of female breasts evolved as a frontal counterpart to that of the buttocks, the reason being that while other primates mate in the rear-entry position, humans, because of their upright posture, are more likely to successfully copulate by mating face to face, the so-called missionary position. Morris suggested in 1967 that a secondary sexual characteristic on a woman's chest would have encouraged this in more primitive incarnations of the human race, and a face-on encounter may have helped found a relationship between partners beyond merely a sexual one.

The evolutionary biologist Richard Dawkins has speculated that the loss of the penis bone in humans, when it is present in other primates, may be due to sexual selection by females looking for an honest advertisement of good health in prospective mates. Since a human erection relies on a hydraulic pumping system, erection failure is a sensitive early warning of certain kinds of physical and mental ill health."

Damm! Women gained in selective selection while we ended up losing! Not only that but our performance is now linked to mental health. God Dammit!
There is under no circumstance that I would believe breasts to be related to mammary feeding. We don't look at them and say "Oh!! She'll feed her children well and be a good mother." Adding to that you will never find a hetrosexual man or as a matter a woman who dislikes breasts. If someone does, then there is something definitely wrong with them. They're soft, warm, smooth and pretty; there is nothing to dislike. Men are hardwired to like breasts. Women like them because they have them and are aware of their awesomeness.
As Joey Tribbani said "You know what blows my mind? Women can see breasts any time they want." I would add to that "Women can touch breasts any time they want." My dear boys, we lost a great deal in Evolution. Little said, men aren't as obsessed with big boobs as much as they're obsessed with boobs in general. I don't think any guy will refuse a good set and will love one in what ever size it comes in. I have lived without them, I can't wait to live with them. So there you go women! Go out and flaunt them out.

F*cking Californication Baby !

After a night of Californication, I wondered to myself; is that f*cking possible in real life? One of my roommate had a culture shock during the series and it did leave most of us with eyes wide open. I correct that, it left all of us with eyes wide open and mouths gaping. In a sense, as my room-mate puts it, the series has every fantasy we all have ever had. And yet, I have yet to realize even one of them in real life. Not like I am looking to swim in a sea of pussies but it would feel a little bit better if my feet were at least in the water. We have lost the passion! Our hearts have become full sized aortic pumps which only know how to supply blood and oxygen to the fucking body. And now a days, with the number of illnesses, it can't even do that right.
I can't even remember the last time I heard a guy say 'I love you' to a girl. And girls don't do it, cause they don't have the fucking balls, theoretically speaking. There are instances, specially in relationship when the whole 'Ladies first' takes a back step and guys are supposed to take the initiative! Damm feminists loop holes! While we're being on the topic of holes, why do assholes have a better life than others? Its better to be a asshole and don't give a fuck. Cause if you do care, chances are you might end up being 'hanged, beheaded, drawn and quartered, and-Oh! Oh, my personal favorite-and had their entrails cut out and burned!'. My rant for tonight is over. Its dark outside, considering its 3 a.m. but I'm sure there will be light soon. There will be light tomorrow and the sun will rise. So I hope that someone says " I love you " to someone else tomorrow (Verbally please! Don't use technology for once) and someone gets laid and has a good fucking Saturday night. If not me, I hope its you.