Wednesday, July 14, 2010

The Era of Disasters

Recently the sting of natural disasters have been on a rise. Its almost as if someone is trying to tell us something; warn us about something. The frequency of earthquakes has increased exponentially. Earthquakes seem to be happening everywhere. From Africa to Asia to America. Its become quite a common occurrence of most natural disasters. Ancient Volcanoes are putting one of man's greatest technologies to a stand still. The One-who-shall-not-be-spelled Icelandic volcano was bad, and they say there is another one 10 times stronger waiting to erupt! There are floods and storms in every continent. The sink-hole in Guatemala is as creepy as it can get. Its almost like staring into deep abyss. My own country, India is facing one the worst heat wave to ever hit the country and the continent. It wasn't the same a decade back. Agreed that these disasters aren't the worst offenders in this century but their cumulative effect is to be feared and respected. The even scarier and statistically correct part of the whole discussion is that the frequency of their occurrence is on a rise. Just in the month of May we have had floods in Guatemala, Our dear volcano becoming active again, heavy rains in Haiti, tornado in Mississippi, earthquakes everywhere. Our luck is so bad that we have a storm warning right in the very place that has had the worst oil spill of the decade. The probability of that occurrence is almost near zero. Yet we will have a hurricane right in the middle of a very mishandled oil spill, making it even more worse. Not to forget , our favorite Global Warming (Accompanied with global flooding).

Question rightly asked is, what exactly is going on? Are we really approaching the joked 2012 Apocalypse? The Mayans predicted a great change/world end in 2012. These guys were the best mathematicians so we can't question the integrity of their calculations. According to the Mayan Elders, we will face a great change in 2012. And it seems, some part of it has already begun. Today's sink hole which swallowed a building with nearly 30 people in it is an evidence that we need to fear something. Never would we have thought that a round hole would 'eat' humans up, but it happened. Something is happening. Is it 2012? Is it something we're unaware of completely? A change is inevitable. It may have already begun and it seems to be accelerating at an alarming rate. There is someone or something that is giving out a lot of warnings. Although this is just statistical evidence, it is worth thinking about for at least 7 minutes of your time. If someone can figure it out, a lot of things can change!

P.s: These are just natural disasters. Don't even get me started on Man-made ones!

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