Sunday, September 26, 2010

Getting out of a hole

Imagine you're in a hole, what would you do? Logically the most common answer would be, to try to get out of the hole. Hole's in general are considered as a hostile environment and no one likes to be in a hole. But first you have to accept the fact that by some twist of fate you have ended in the hole. You have to accept your fate, your feelings and your current state before you can conquer it.

If it's unrequited love, accept your feelings; accept the fact that you love someone and they don't share the same sentiment. Only then can you truly respect your feelings and keep them aside to move on. If you fall down, accept that you have fallen; only then can you pick yourself up and become stronger when you get back on your feet. It's a simple law of life which we are all aware of but don't realize that we need to follow it as well. Failure is not the stepping stone to success. Success is not guaranteed after failure. But acceptance of failure is the way of courage and strength. When you accept something, it means that you respect it. When you respect it, only then you can truly judge it and use it for your own benefit.

Guns X Sword.

 We live in an age of ever advancing technology. And in this age, the technology that is the most advanced and has the highest budget allocation is the defense technology. The peril in defense technology is that what the common man know is not always 'the most advanced' weapon out there. Every country has their secrets and their biggest secret is what they're packing!

 I sometime wish we lived in the age of swords. It would have been indeed good for the world if swords and bows had never advanced to Kevlar and bullets. The fact that modern technology gives someone power to hurt someone else without putting themselves in a danger zone is the biggest problem that has arisen from modern weapons. Any teenager can hold a gun and pull the trigger. Any country can push a button and annihilate a piece of land under the pretense of deterrence. Only the courageous holds a sword. That's why it is still considered as a honor symbol and held by the highest ranking officials in the military. It takes ample amount of courage for someone to hold a sword and injure someone with it, not to mention the skill and the strength which it requires. Even a something as simple as a bow takes in skill, strength and a steady hand to actually manage to kill someone. Imagine if you replace the gun with a sword. Then every little piece of sh*t out there who uses a gun to threaten people will think twice before he pulls out a sword on you. He has to be sure that he'll be able to use the sword. He also has to be completely confident in his own fighting skills or else you'll take him down even if you're unarmed. A sword is as good as its user, otherwise in the hands of a kid; its just a large but sharp piece of metal.

 Values like courage, honor, strength, dexterity and physical skill have lost their worth in the modern world. As automation technology and other modern weaponry comes into picture, more and more dull humans are able to act like God. We humans were weak creatures in the evolutionary cycle. In the process of making ourselves stronger, we forgot that we ourselves grow significantly weaker and weaker each passing day.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Comfort is a vice of life.

 I had a troubling experience today. I am usually one of the craziest motorbike riders in this part of town. I have fallen, injured myself badly and also had a near death experience, all on the same motorbike. But after spending three years in the United States, I felt today that I nearly lost that edge over life which I had earlier.

 Life in the US can be best described as the safest life on this planet. People cross the road without care knowing that the considerate driver of an automobile will stop for them. No one (Except for the ones on Wildest Police Videos) breaks lanes, speed limits or any traffic rules. That is transportation to its utmost perfection. India, on the other hand is complete opposite. Anybody crosses anywhere they want too. People will never stop for you to cross the road and will try to get across as fast as possible. No one is considerate towards anyone else on the road. It's considered as utter chaos, specially in Bombay. And after spending 3 years in that relaxed environment in the US, I have become cautions when I cross the road. I don't speed as much now-a-days. Neither do I cut across lanes and other slow moving vehicles. I, have become what I feared the most. I have become afraid of getting hurt; which is not a bad thing but not a good thing either (At least for me).

   Life on the road is a struggle which you must endure everyday. We are supposed to be continuously evolving. But evolution is a condition that occurs due to a struggle or a need. If we have no need, we will not evolve. Because they needed to swim, fish developed fins and lungs. Because they wanted to fly, the birds developed wings. Evolution is a process that occurs when you are in a desperate need and in difficult times. But as technology advances, mankind is making his life as easy as it can get. We now even get peanut-butter and jelly in the same jar. Is is that difficult to open another jar of jam? Is it so necessary that you need an elevator to climb up a few floors when our ancestors walked across mountains and deserts for plain food and water. We have advanced; but our bodies are going in the opposite direction. Life on the road is a struggle which you must endure everyday.

 My advise, make your life a little bit tougher. Do the crossword and puzzles in the paper to keep your mind active. Take the stairs and do a bit of a run just for fun. Try remembering phone numbers instead of saving them in your cellphone. Use a notebook instead of MS Word. Every little thing counts and make every other little thing count. Only when you struggle, will you improve. Only when you fall down, will you get up stronger. Only when you get hurt